Financial Support to the Ministry at Emmanuel Lutheran Church
Your financial gifts are an expression of serving God, the church and others. Giving to Emmanuel helps support our congregation and our ministries. We are grateful for your continued support.
An offering prayer:
We offer with joy and thanksgiving what you have first given us—our selves, our time, and our possessions, signs of your gracious love. Receive them for the sake of Him who offered Himself for us, Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen

E-Transfer Donation
We accept designated e-transfers via your online bank account. Send your e-transfer to
All transactions are secure and confidential. E-transfers are set up to be automatically deposited which means that we do not require you to send us a password. In the eTransfer notes, please add your full name and mailing address so we can send you a tax receipt at tax time. If you wish your donation to go to Missions, please indicate as such, otherwise it will be directed to our General Fund. Note: Only donations over $20 will be given a tax receipt.
Known participating financial institutions at this time include: BMO Bank of Montreal, CIBC Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce, Desjardins, HSBC Bank Canada, Laurentian Bank, National Bank, President’s Choice Financial, RBC Royal Bank of Canada, Scotiabank, Tangerine Bank, and TD Canada Trust .
Please see your financial institution for specific instructions on how to send an e-transfer.

Cheque Donation by Mail
If you would prefer, you can mail your cheque donation to the church (please do not mail cash):
Emmanuel Lutheran Church
1716 Snyder’s Road East, P.O. Box #59, Petersburg, ON N0B 2H0
Please add your full name, mailing address so we can send you a tax receipt at tax time. If you wish your donation to go to Missions, please indicate as such, otherwise it will be directed to our General Fund. Note: Only donations over $20 will be given a tax receipt.

Sunday Offering
We currently pass an offering plate during the service for those members who wish to give through their church offering envelope, either weekly or monthly.
Visitors, please do not feel obligated to give a Sunday offering, only give if you feel led to do so.
Our Registered Charity Number # is: 107303216 RR 0001